SMPTE-HK 15th Anniversary Seminar
(13 November 2009)
Mobile TV Technology & Dinner Reception
Shortly after lunch in the afternoon on 13th Nov 2009, hundreds of professionals gathered in the Grand Hall of Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) Kwun Tong campus, eager to learn about latest information/news of “Mobile Television (Mobile TV)” with respected speakers from China and Hong Kong. As usual, Mr. KL Lam, being the leader of SMPTE-HKG committee members, greeted the audience and related organizations that support this 15th anniversary seminar. Then, Mr. Danny Lau, Assistant Director, Regulatory Affairs Branch from Office of the Telecommunications Authority (OFTA), opened the seminar by his key note speech, which announced that Hong Kong government is going to launch “Mobile TV” in the near future after the successful launch of Digital Terrestrial TV in Hong Kong.
Dr. Guo Xiaoqiang, Deputy-Director, Television Institute, Academy of Broadcasting Science China (SARFT), presented a paper titled as “China Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting (CMMB) Technology and Standard. Dr. Guo defined that China has come up with her own national standard of CMMB and he then further described in full detail the framework/structure of such standard with illustration, plus detail technical information of such CMMB. Further, Dr. Guo reported that CMMB already been launched in China.
Mr. Jason Liw, Manager (Digital Media) – Product Specialist Group, Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia Pte Ltd, gave an overview of situation review of current popular world Mobile TV standards and business models as practiced in other countries.
Mr. Jian Lin, R & D Director, Wireless Systems Technologies, Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Instititute Company Limited (ASTRI), showed the audience current chip set design parameters, trend and solution.
After tea break, Mr. Liu Tingjun, Deputy Chief Engineer, ABRS of SARFT as well as Vice General Manager of China Satellite Mobile Broadcasting Corporation, presented his vision of “Mobile TV in China” titled as “The Brilliant World of Mobile TV”. Mr. Liu, being an veteran of both Engineer as well as senior manager, presented Mobile TV situation in China covering development overview, operation models, network covering, business framework, business deployment as well as development strategies.
Then, Mr. Peter Chang, Supervising Project Engineer –DTTB, Asia Television Limited (ATV) Hong Kong, presented their view of Mobile TV in HKG landscape. Mr. Chang covered overview of the TV station’s plan, their consideration of various Mobile TV standards, network construction with return path consideration etc., in detail.
Finally, Mr. Yuen Man, Assistant Executive Engineer from Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB) presented their full detail report of mobile TV trial test reports using DVB-H, Media Flo and CMMB. Audience were greatly appreciated the detail data presented.
After each presentation, audience was eager to ask questions as the mobile TV is related not only to television, but also to telecommunication and other related networks.
As usual, SMPTE hosted the anniversary dinner in a relaxed atmosphere where around 100 participants enjoyed the annual gathering.