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Test & Measurement of DVB S2/C2 Signals and TV Displays Training
(20 August 2010)

SMPTE-HK had organized a one day workshop titled: Test and Measurement of DVB S2/C2 signals and TV Displays training workshop. The speaker is Mr. Leon Tan, Specialist Engineer from Rohde and Schwarz Asia. The workshop basically consisted of morning and afternoon session. The morning session focus on the history, background and development of DVB signal standards especially the second generation version. The improved feature of DVB S2/C2/T2 been covered as well as transport stream.
The afternoon session was focusing on test and performance evaluation of second generation TV display with test signal and illustration was done using several current models of LCD as well as Plasma TV display.  More than 56 participants came from television, telecommunication as well as academic industries and enjoyed the sharing from Mr. Tan.

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