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The Hong Kong Section celebrated her 22nd anniversary and SMPTE centennial on November 4, 2016 with a number of events which included a seminar, three workshops, a product showcase and a dinner party. 

The seminar, entitled “Immersive Motion Imaging Technologies,” was held at the auditorium of the Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI).  Local and overseas experts were invited to present talks on new developments and applications related to 4K, HDR, VR and IP infrastructure, especially in OTT applications.
The Seminar started with a welcoming speech by Michael Chan, Associated Academic Director (Design), HKDI of Vocational Education (Lee Wai Lee), who highlighted the importance of cooperation between the trade organization and academia and he looked forward to more
future joint projects.  Barbara Lange, Executive Director of SMPTE, who had just attended the SMPTE centennial ceremony in the US, flew to HK to join the events and delivered a keynote speech.  She briefed audience the 100 years of SMPTE’s history and progress and projected its future developments.  One of the focuses was on students in which free membership would be offered for the first year and more student events to be organized in addition to scholarships granting to outstanding students.  Lange also screened SMPTE centennial celebration video clip to share with audiences.
Zhang Jianping, Honorary Chairman of East China Television Technology League (ECTTL), gave his congratulatory message to celebrate Hong Kong Section’s 22 Anniversary and SMPTE’s centennial and he also briefed the audience on the new developments of VR and 4K/UHD in China.
Victor Wu, Sales Engineer Manager of Grass Valley, and Li Hua, Engineering Director of Ideal Group China, delivered a joint presentation on the topic “4K and IP Infrastructure with Tencent's OB Case Study.”  Wu presented Grass Valley's Glass-to-Glass Solution to build a 4K system with IP infrastructure.  He cited four trends which were changing the broadcast industry: live production and automation driving infrastructure investments; 4K rapid adoption in 2017; IP transition gaining momentum in the broadcast studio; and consumption behavior changing as audience wanted to view it anywhere, anytime and on any devices.  Grass Valley was to provide Native IP with AIMS roadmap in mind.  Li carried on to introduce the Tencent's 4K OB Van planning based on the TICO compression and SMPTE 2022-6 standard. The presentation demonstrated the design of OB VAN including the working space design, video system design, audio system, other components in the system.  All kinds of signals for control and transmission were based on TCP/IP network, while the non-IP interface was used as system backup for IP connection.

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